Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

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Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by drinkypoo »

I have had a WebDT 360 for a long time but it's just sat mostly. Well three or four days ago I got inspired by this site and installed Debian. My machine has an LX800 (500MHz) which seems to be the pickiest hardware.  Upgrading to the next release broke everything once I had it nominally working so I started over.

I will blog a superior set of instructions later perhaps; I plan to mod my CF slot to an adapter so I may need to reinstall all over again, although theoretically a swap should be easy since I am using UUIDs for volumes.

Here's the short form:

1. Install debian from USB. I did this, but with lenny files (with the netinst cd image only)
  You MUST boot with video=lxfb:800x600-16@60 for video to work properly (video=ofonly was a fail here) and acpi=force for hardware buttons.
  I have not yet solved VIA vt6656 WiFi, not enough space here for development tools. HOWEVER I also own a Dt168 which I will turn into the development/packaging system, I just haven't got around to it yet. I will use the same install procedure there but with less customization and with root on a USB stick. I am using a linksys USB right now. I had to install atmel firmware and indeed manually install wireless-tools (you do that from chroot: chroot /target /bin/bash, then aptitude -R install wireless-tools)
2. Install some needed software. Install in small bites, always with aptitude -R, and then use apt-get clean, or mount some additional storage over the top of /var/cache/archives and create a dir called partial in it. That will give you the disk space you need to install. The first thing you should do is actually update and dist-upgrade. I had to manually whack my sources.list. Install sudo, x11-utils, x11-server-utils, rxvt (or another terminal) and xserver-xorg-video-geode. Also you need libgtk2.0-0 for the calibration utility. I manually installed seamonkey from their binary download into /opt/seamonkey and I launch it with a script
3. Install $#$^&$*# penmount drivers etc. I found their version of gpm will not properly produce summa driver output so you have to use the real penmount drivers. You have to hack up the xorg.conf, mine will be included. I put the calibration utility in /opt/penmount
4. various other changes; attached file will be of some help. it includes many of my configured files. Until I make changes please refer to the attachment.
5. starting X automatically: use dpkg-reconfigure x11-common to permit anyone to start the X server. now add this to the end of /etc/inittab
x:3:respawn:/bin/su -l -c '/usr/bin/startx -- -nolisten tcp > /dev/null 2>&1' username
where username is the user you created at install time or some other user you made to run X
if you use matchbox with my configs then the only other thing you need is to set the user's session to contain two lines: xmodmap /etc/xmodmap        and        exec matchbox-session
That will kick you into the environment I prepared.
I also installed deadbeef and gqview, try my enclosed sources.list
d-pad is arrow keys, keyboard button is keyboard, lock button is close, rotate button is show desktop, and menu button is next app. this should get you around pretty well. I need to improve font sizes and such but this is a step in the right direction. Stuff mostly works! The digitizer is way too inaccurate for typing though, I don't know if mine is hosed or if I just need new penmount settings, please advise.
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Re: Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by drinkypoo »

looks like I am getting spurious mouse events between last and current touch position
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Re: Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by volkswagner »

I have had good results loading a known good penmount.dat file.

You can try replacing /etc/penmount.dat with the following file after backing up your current file.

You should be able to run a calibration to further increase accuracy.

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Re: Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by drinkypoo »

same problem. interestingly your panel seems to be inverted from mine.
I have sent a report in to the penmount team...
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Re: Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by drinkypoo »

looks like I have debian 5 on my dt168 already :D
next up I hope: via wifi
got sound working by installing alsa-utils and running alsaconf, then removing alsa-utils. installed alsamixergui for a lightweight mixer.
Last edited by drinkypoo on Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Successful Debian5 install with matchbox wm

Post by drinkypoo »

Now I have VIA VT6656 WiFi working:
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