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Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:46 pm
by quotaholic
Had to rebuild the first one because of file system errors.

This is another Debian 5 "lenny" image for the WebDT366. It features the LXDE window manager with a new addition of a bluetooth gui application called blueman. Please try it out and let me know how it works.

Included software:

LXDE - Window manager
Xvkbd - On screen keyboard.
Pcmanfm - File manager
MC - Ncurses file manager
Lxterminal - Terminal
Opera - Web browser
Wicd  - Wifi profile and connection utility
BTscanner - Bluetooth device discovery
Obconf - Open Box configuration panel
LeafPad - Text Editor
gCal - Touch screen calibration
Xournal - Scribble note taking application - testing
Xarchiver  -  Archiving utility
Gpicview  -  Image viewer
Synergy - Share mouse and keyboard over wifi
Blueman - Bluetooth gui application for sharing with devices.df
gnome-bluetooth-services - receive a file over bluetooth (needed for blueman)

Disc usage is 505964 total
              451840 used
               54124 free

Use it wisely. As always I suggest a CFcard and some symlinks. LXDE is a little slow but this is the most featured release yet. In the future after I relocate I will work on building a image with a lighter weight to it. I wanted to get a bluetooth gui working and LXDE was the easiest way for me to accomplish that.

The partition was prepared with "noatime" to reduce write backs to the flash.

Let me know how the blueman application works if you think of it. I have no bluetooth devices and cant easily test it out.

Thanks goes to Penmount for releasing this driver and making lenny possible on a DT.

Here is the image:

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:40 pm
by rockerrock
Tried dd and another imaging program onto USB stick. Keep getting GRUB repeating over and over loop.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:55 pm
by volkswagner
I am curious of your steps.
  • How did you unzip it?  Were there any errors?
  • What OS did you use to do the dd?
I have not tried this image yet.  I did not see an md5sum verification, but here is mine.  Let us know if your md5sum matches mine.

027f01d6efd27d4b336dc7272b554936  Debian5-LXDE-WebDT366-1.1.img

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:51 pm
by volkswagner
Just wanted to say, I have the LXDE.img working.  I used dd to image the internal drive.  I don't have time to try it out, but it does boot fine.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:04 pm
by rockerrock
Using Windows 7 x64 w/ winzip 64 using dd for windows to external flash drive that has been working in the past. Flashing TO USB disk from WINDOWS for boot off of EXTERNAL USB, NOT internal. I still have winCE on the tablet and plan on keeping it there, for now..

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:56 am
by fabio
hallo i've installed lxde but when i load or wicd or bluethoot it stopped.... can anybody help me?

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:02 am
by vinograd19
yes, bletooth and wicd are buggy when you are trying to start them via icons
Try to command "wicd-client"

btw, does wicd working with wep? Mine wep network is viewable but not connectable.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:18 am
by fabio
i've tried but nothing, wicd doesn'load....

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:10 am
by volkswagner
rockerrock wrote: Using Windows 7 x64 w/ winzip 64 using dd for windows to external flash drive that has been working in the past. Flashing TO USB disk from WINDOWS for boot off of EXTERNAL USB, NOT internal. I still have winCE on the tablet and plan on keeping it there, for now..
I don't think this will work via USB.  The Grub error is most likely because the boot target is set for the internal disk (/dev/hda).  You may be able to get it working by editing /boot/grub/menu.list.  You will also need to edit /etc/fstab. 

I am using my phone so going into detail is tough.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:17 am
by volkswagner
fabio wrote: hallo i've installed lxde but when i load or wicd or bluethoot it stopped.... can anybody help me?
I can confirm this issue.  I have not had time to debug.  I will spend time on it tonight.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:44 am
by quotaholic
Let me look in to this as well. I have a feeling it is how the programs are being called. Most of the "connection" programs be it bluetooth or wifi, require admin rights to run. I JUST got an internet connection that I can use at my new location near Boston. I have to unpack some clothes to wear as of yet but I hope to get on these issues this afternoon.

To set this up I added the user to the "sudo" group via the usermod command.

In the /etc/sudoers document I made it so that the webdt user wont have to input the password each time "sudo" is used.

Now the desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ are where the programs get called. In each .desktop file there is an "Exec=____" line. This is where I need to debug I have a feeling. One has to restart x each time to test these files and they must be made as the user and not admin otherwise they are not accessible. I have a strange feeling I made some of these as root. Or I used an unsupported method to call the program.

Code: Select all

sudo wicd-client

Code: Select all

sudo blueman
THese commands will hopefully get you by until a solution is posted


Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:52 pm
by volkswagner
vinograd19 wrote: fabio,
yes, bletooth and wicd are buggy when you are trying to start them via icons
Try to command "wicd-client"

btw, does wicd working with wep? Mine wep network is viewable but not connectable.
It appears the sudo command was pegging the CPU.

I have made some changes to my setup.  You can duplicate what I did.  All of these steps may not be required, but I don't think it will hurt.

First we need to add the user "webdt" to some groups.

*********EDIT (I have modified this how to because You may need to be root to add user to sudo group)******

Switch user to root:

Code: Select all

enter root password:

Code: Select all

usermod -a -G sudo webdt

Code: Select all

usermod -a -G netdev webdt

Code: Select all

usermod -a -G powerdev webdt

Code: Select all

usermod -a -G adm webdt

Code: Select all

usermod -a -G dip webdt

Now we need to edit the sudoers file to let the system utilize the new sudo group users.

First create a backup of your file. (still logged in as root)

Code: Select all

cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.bak
Then edit it:

Code: Select all

Now comment out the line starting with "webdt", and make sure there is no comment on the last line defining sudo group.  My new file looks like this.

Code: Select all

# /etc/sudoers
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.

Defaults        env_reset

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
#webdt  ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to not need a password
# (Note that later entries override this, so you might need to move
# it further down)

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:53 am
by fabio
thank you for answeruing but i'm not used to linux, can you tell me how to write it? in run, in terminal, where? thanks again

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:00 am
by volkswagner
fabio wrote: thank you for answeruing but i'm not used to linux, can you tell me how to write it? in run, in terminal, where? thanks again
Yes, you run those commands in a terminal.  There is an icon in lower panel to launch.  It is best if you have your USB mouse/kybd attached.

To explain a little what is being executed:  sudo is "switch user do once" this gives you root privileges without actually logging in as root.  Adding the user to the above groups just allows permission to run useful apps/commands.  The visudo is a "special" way to edit /etc/sudoers file.

When you are asked to comment out or uncomment a line, you add the pound (#) sign or remove it respectfully.

The easiest way to perform such changes is to cut and paste.  On the webDT open the web browser to this page.  Open a terminal and paste the commands, inserting the webdt password when prompted.  To paste in a terminal you will need to use ++.  When editing a file use the nano editor which will be called using visudo command. Inside nano commands are listed ct the bottom.  Use the arrow keys to navigate, + writes/saves changes, + exits.

Re: Debian5-WebDT366-LXDE-1.1

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:36 am
by fabio
wonderful thanks i am answering by webdt